About IDPC

About IDPC

IDPC members orientation meeting before the 63rd Session of the CND.

Photo: Steve Rolles.


The International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) is a global network that works collectively to promote person-centred, rights-affirming drug policies at the national, regional and international levels.

The IDPC network has over 190 members from all over the world with broad and diverse expertise, including community-led networks, grassroots groups, advocacy NGOs, as well as major international organisations.

The network is a strong, collaborative initiative and a trusted source of expertise on drug policy reform. IDPC’s Secretariat, with staff based in London, Accra, Amsterdam and Bangkok, supports the network with communications, building the evidence, capacity strengthening and coordination of advocacy efforts.

IDPC was founded in 2006 and, since 2011, has been an independent, not-for-profit organisation legally registered in the UK. In 2020, IDPC became legally registered in the Netherlands and Ghana.

Vision & Mission

Our vision

Drug policies that advance social justice and human rights.

Our mission

To amplify and strengthen a diverse global movement to repair the harms caused by punitive drug policies, and promote just responses.

Policy principles

IDPC members agree to promote five core policy principles in our advocacy work with governments and international agencies. Drug policies should:

  1. Be developed through an objective assessment of priorities and evidence.
  2. Comply with national, regional and international human rights principles, laws and standards.
  3. Focus on reducing the harmful consequences, rather than the scale, of drug use and markets.
  4. Promote social justice and the inclusion of marginalised groups, rather than focus on punitive measures towards them.
  5. Be developed and implemented based on open and constructive relationships with civil society and affected populations.