INCB elects new President Werner Sipp


INCB elects new President Werner Sipp

14 May 2015

The 113th Session of the INCB opened on 4th May 2015. The most significant order of business was the election of the Board's new President and Bureau from amongst its current membership. Dr Lochan Naidoo, whose presidency had been marked by a strong commitment to improving the access to essential medicines, was replaced by the new President, Mr Werner Sipp of Germany. Mr Sipp has occupied several high level posts in the German Federal Health Ministry, as well as working with the European Union. He was co-ordinator of the German delegation to the CND between 2001 and 2009. He has a positive record with respect to harm reduction.

In his acceptance speech, Mr Sipp stated that the INCB will work with governments to promote the full implementation of the drug control treaties, and will emphasise health and welfare, 'which in the past sometimes seems to have been relegated, not in their rhetoric, but in the action of many Governments'.

In addition to the President, the newly elected Bureau consists of: Professor Sri Suryawati (First Vice President of the Board), Ms Jagjit Pavadia (Second Vice President of the Board and Chair of the Standing Committee on Estimates), and Mr Bernard Leroy (Rapporteur).

The Officers of the Board are elected for one year terms.

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  • International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
  • International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)