#TreatUsRight! Needle and Syringe Programmes and Community Mobilisation
By ARASA and CoAct
ARASA and CoAct are coming together to facilitate a series of webinars on harm reduction and drug policy in the Southern and East African region for community activists, people who use drugs, policy makers, and other stakeholders!
This first webinar will focus on Needle and Syringe Programmes and Community Mobilisation to share the importance of these programmes, practical information on how to keep safe when injecting, and discussing the need for community inclusion in these programmes.
The main facilitation for this webinar will be done by Mat Southwell from CoAct and the panel will include and expert from the South African Network of People who Use Drugs (SANPUD). Nathalie Rose, an expert on Drug Policy in the African region, will also lend her voice to the discussion.
Full recording available here.