Fighting disinformation and moral panics - Correlation webinar series


Fighting disinformation and moral panics - Correlation webinar series

29 May 2024

Webinar 4 – Fighting Disinformation and Moral Panics
June 18, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Drug policies are often influenced by sensational media reporting that fuels moral panics about drugs and leads to the othering of people who use drugs. The spread of disinformation is a major barrier to drug policy reform, undermines basic norms and values like human rights and scapegoats civil society organisations. This webinar addresses strategies to fight disinformation in an age that is often characterised as post-truth. Participants will discuss what methods they use to educate the public about drugs and drug policies and how to defend civil society from politically motivated attacks.

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Start18 June 2024
End18 June 2024