Webinar: Safe festivals and healthy nightlife — sharing experiences among practitioners

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Webinar: Safe festivals and healthy nightlife — sharing experiences among practitioners

23 July 2024
European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Objective: The main aim of this webinar is to share experiences of interventions which support safety at music festivals and nightlife events.

Background: Music festivals are common in Europe during the summer and attract high numbers of participants, especially young people. They may last several days.

This webinar addresses current and innovative practices to make festivals and nightlife settings a safer and healthier environment for the participants and professionals involved.

Professionals from different festivals/countries across Europe will discuss their experiences, challenges and strategies to reduce risks and improve safety.

The EMCDDA’s approach to fostering safe festivals and healthy nightlife is to prevent risky behaviours by raising awareness on harm-reduction interventions.

In conversation with:

  1. Mikk Oja, Night Fairies, Estonia
  2. Elisa Fornero, Neutravel Project, Italy
  3. Mar Cunha, Kosmicare, Portugal
  4. Gabriel Borkowski, Dáth2 Psyhelp, Hungary

Chairperson: Inês Hasselberg, EMCDDA

Opening and closing remarks: Alexis Goosdeel, Director EMCDDA.

Format: EMCDDA opening remarks, panellists’ questions, guided discussion, Q&A.

Participants will respond to the following questions:

  1. Can you describe the festival or event in which you intervene?
  2. What are the typical behaviours your interventions address?
  3. What are your strategies, challenges and success stories? What would you define as a best practice to be shared?
  4. How do you see trends at festivals unfolding in the coming years?

Watch the recording:

Start12 June 2024
End12 June 2024