Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)

IDPC Member

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)

SSDP is an international grassroots network of youth and student groups in Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ghana, Ireland, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria and UK, who mobilize to transform global drug policy towards one focused on human rights, public health, and harm reduction.

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Youth Response to the UNODC World Drug Report 2023

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EU drug policy training & strategy series - Call for applications

EU drug policy training & strategy series - Call for applications

Students for Sensible Drug Policy International and Youth RISE are launching a new Erasmus+ project intended to increase the capacity of youth-led organisations that engage in drug policy reform and young people to advocate at the European Union level.
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Youth Response to the World Drug Report 2021

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SSDP considers that the 'drugs cost lives' narrative, although well-meaning, is stigmatising and harmful, and fuels damaging approaches based on prohibition, punishment and criminalisation.