Canada: Can drug users' lives be saved by giving them uncontaminated heroin and cocaine?

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Canada: Can drug users' lives be saved by giving them uncontaminated heroin and cocaine?

27 October 2022
Jacques Gallant
Hamilton Spectator

These days, Eris Nyx is dressing up like she’s in the Vietnam War.

“I have a full tiger stripe war thing,” she says, referring to the camouflage patterns used during the conflict, “because it’s a war zone out there, and nobody is coming to help us.”

People continue to die around her — people she knows — of drug overdoses, as Canada remains in the grips of a deadly toxic drug crisis that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands.

It’s a crisis that has been blamed on a war — the war on drugs — fuelled by what policy experts and people who use drugs say is a mix of prohibition, criminalization, lack of supports and stigma.

In the face of what she calls government foot-dragging on providing the tools needed to stem the tide of death, Nyx and others are taking action, recently launching a fulfilment centre and compassion club in Vancouver, which procures, tests, repackages, and distributes drugs to people at high risk of overdose.