Ageing disgracefully with Jude Byrne: A special section recognising her life and work


Ageing disgracefully with Jude Byrne: A special section recognising her life and work

5 August 2024
Anna Olsen
Chris Gough
Annie Madden
Lisa Maher
Suzie Hudson
Geoff Ward
Peter Higgs

While most special sections in Drug and Alcohol Review are focused on a particular research topic, this collection is devoted posthumously to a person and her interests; Jude Byrne. Unique in her ability to lead work across advocacy, policy and research, Jude used her intelligence and living experience as a person who used drugs to influence policy and practice across the alcohol and other drug, blood-borne virus and community sectors. As we noted in an earlier editorial [1], Jude's impact was significant and wide-reaching. Beginning locally, Jude was responsible for many grassroots initiatives based on local emerging community needs, including respite services for mothers and their children, and forming drug user organisations. Jude also contributed to policy and service delivery for people who use drugs (PWUD) on a global level. She pursued the ethical and methodological development of our field by representing the voices of PWUD in numerous international forums, including on World Health Organization Guidelines Development Working Groups and through her longstanding leadership on the International Network of People Who Use Drugs Board. This collection reflects the key areas influenced by her life and work.


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