Each year the UNGA Third Committee negotiates the Omnibus Resolution, which contains a summary of the latest developments and updates in international drug policy by UN bodies.
IDPC highlights how the increasing involvement of UN human rights entities in drug policy debates has paved the way for greater, yet still insufficient, consideration of health, human rights and development.
IDPC provides an overview of the intersections between human rights and drug control as enshrined in the UNGASS Outcome document, offering recommendations for a better coordination of these two spheres of international cooperation.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria welcomes the UN General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem as an opportunity to bring public health and human rights concerns to the center of drug control policy.
This IDPC briefing paper examines several of the most prominent themes to emerge from the contributions of 15 UN entities and their progress into the UNGASS debates.
At the CND intersessional meeting on 12th June, countries and regional groups were invited to submit their first ideas for what could be included in this Outcome Document - here is a list of all contributions made public to date.