This week, Tennessee passed a law that permits assault charges for women who engage in any ‘unlawful’ act that may result in adverse pregnancy outcomes.
On April 17, representatives from the development sector gathered to discuss the negative impacts of current drug policies on impoverished populations, and the importance of bringing the development perspective to the 2016 UNGASS.
In this HCLU video, Allan Clear, from the Harm Reduction Coalition, explains that we do need to regulate illicit drug markets to bring more control over these substances.
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) met on 23rd April 2013, and elected by secret ballot five members for five-year terms beginning on 2 March 2015.
In this interview with HCLU, INPUD Executive Director states that the INCB should stop considering the UN drug conventions as being set in stone and cannot be touched.
On the 26th June 2013, people in 41 cities around the world gathered for a ‘Day of Action’ as part of the Support. Don’t Punish campaign. Come and Join us!