People who inject drugs face widespread discrimination, physical violence, hostility and harassment that limits their access to lifesaving health services.
As Tuesday,10 December is Human Rights Day, the Blue Point Foundation reformulates its will to provide a range of services for people who inject drugs.
The objective of the mission was to review the drug control situation in Panama and the Government's compliance with the three international drug control conventions to which Panama is a party.
Deliberations concentrated on recent developments in drug trafficking and abuse in Nicaragua, the Government's cooperation with INCB, the measures taken by the Government to control narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and the chemicals needed for their illicit manufacture, and demand reduction policies.
Engaging in a range of ‘impact’ oriented activities, the recently established Observatory operates with the goal of promoting evidence and human rights based drug policy.
The final Ministerial Joint Statement will be presented at a High Level Segment of CND next March, and aims to review achievements and challenges since the 2009 Political Declaration on drugs was adopted.
Amid much celebration, encouraged partly by the Obama Administration's decision not to hinder the regulation, provided certain minimum conditions are met, the conference also addressed many other unresolved issues on drug policy, not only in the United States but also in the rest of the world.
This event aimed to promote debate around the current challenges to drug law enforcement, the concept of managing drug markets to minimize harm and the implications for future law enforcement strategies.
The conference calendar never seems to take a break, but the next few months are particularly busy, with key drug policy, HIV and harm reduction events taking place around the world.