Past Events

Results 1417 to 1428 of 1459

Second Latin American Conference on Drug Policy

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
25 August 2010 - 26 August 2010
Intercambios in association with Psicotropicus will bring together public officials, scholars, advocates, and professionals to debate drug policy, next August in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The second Latin American Conference and first Brazilian Conference on Drug Policy will take place in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro on August 26 – 27, and hopes to send a regional call to leave behind repressive policies and to tackle drug-related issues from a health and human rights perspective.

AIDS 2010: “Honoring Life: Constructing the most effective HIV prevention among people injecting by adding overdose prevention work"

Vienna, Austria
20 July 2010
This workshop will teach basic techniques of preventing and recognising overdose and will train participants how to teach opiate users and their community to respond effectively with naloxone; it will examine best practices of integrating overdose response into the work of harm reduction and AIDS service organisations; and we will discuss how addressing this major cause of death can have an impact on increasing the effectiveness of HIV programming.

AIDS 2010: “HIV risks and the compulsory centers for drug users”

Vienna, Austria
20 July 2010
Compulsory centres for drug users are plagued with high relapse rates and high financial and human costs that burden the State, the overall community and drug users and their families alike. The approach creates a dangerous ‘revolving door’ for drug users, and is an obstacle to achieving Universal Access.

AIDS 2010: Make your voice heard at the Human Rights March and Rally

Vienna, Austria
19 July 2010
The Human Rights March and Rally on July 20 will be a historic event where thousands will join in solidarity with human rights defenders around the world. The March and Rally is an opportunity for all people whose human rights are affected by HIV to make their voice heard.

AIDS 2010: "Methadone Man and Buprenorphine Babe"

Vienna, Austria
17 July 2010 - 22 July 2010
The Open Society Institute's International Harm Reduction Development Program (IHRD) developed Methadone Man and Buprenorphine Babe to help raise awareness about the glaring lack of access to these lifesaving drugs.

'Rights Here, Right Now': XVIII International AIDS Conference

Vienna, Austria
17 July 2010 - 22 July 2010
The XV11 International AIDS Conference will take place in Vienna in July of this year. Rights Here, Right Now emphasizes that concrete human rights measures need to be in place to protect those most vulnerable to and affected by HIV, especially women and girls, people who use drugs, migrants, prisoners, sex workers, men who have sex with men, and transgender persons.

International Seminar on Drugs and HIV in Colombia

11 July 2010 - 15 July 2010
This seminar, organised by UNODC and the Colombian Ministry for Social Protection, will provide a space for national and international experts to reflect issues related to drugs and HIV, in order to draft a joint agenda with short, medium and long-term actions to prevent, treat and reduce the impact of drug injection on HIV and public health in Colombia.

The Vienna Express 2010 - Towards Universal Access

Eastern Europe and Central Asia
17 June 2010 - 22 July 2010
Through the Vienna Express, AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is shining the spotlight of the world’s leaders, media and public on the HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Nomination form for a speaking role at the informal interactive hearings of the General Assembly with NGOs, civil society organizations and the private sector

United Nations, New York, USA
13 June 2010 - 14 June 2010
On 20-22 September 2010, the General Assembly will hold a High-level Plenary Meeting, also referred to as the ‘MDG Summit’, in New York. The Summit’s main focus will be to build on what we have learned during the past 10 years since the adoption of the Millennium Declaration and how to accelerate progress towards the internationally agreed development goals, in particular MDGs. As a part of the process leading to the summit, the General Assembly will also convene ‘Hearings’ with representatives of civil society and the private sector from 14-15 June.

How to end the war on drugs: building peace in Latin America

London, UK
8 June 2010
Danny Kushlick, founder of the UK’s leading drug policy think tank Transform, will describe how the drug war has become an orthodoxy, through securitising cocaine. He will show how applying an evidence-based approach built upon humanity, effectiveness and justice, would lead to a system such as that outlined in Transform’s new book: ‘After the War on Drugs – Blueprint for Regulation’.