Hotel Pullman Bangkok King Power, Bangkok, Thailand
20 January 2010 - 22 January 2010
Response beyond Borders is pleased to announce the Second Asian Consultation on the prevention of HIV related to Drug use, This consultation will be an outcome of the First Asian Consultation which was held in Goa in January 2008.
TNI and APF will host the 7th Informal Drug Policy Dialogue, which will be co-hosted by the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
This is the first regional harm reduction conference of the MENA region. The goal of the conference is to advocate and promote harm reduction in this region.
Reform 2009 will provide a forum to listen, learn, network and strategise about international drug policy issues with a focus on the harms caused by the war on drugs.
This first event of its kind in the Caribbean will be hosted by the Caribbean Drug & Alcohol Research Institute and will bring together academics, policy makers, law enforcement and activists.
This meeting aims to enable a scientific and neutral discussion of the phenomena linked to khat (some of which include problems that call for solutions). The conference will stay focused on scientific evidence during discussions and will not promote simplistic solutions as attempted in the past.
The conference will also be an essential forum for discussions and networking in the aftermath of the High Level Meeting and the 2009 Commission of Narcotic Drugs in March.
The diversity of incarcerated populations, including adult prisons, youth detention centres and police watch houses give rise to special challenges in addressing the health needs among these incarcerated groups.
The aim of the conference is to facilitate the development of knowledge and an evidence base for different harm reduction and drug free interventions for drug users, which can be implemented throughout the criminal justice process, building on the work of ENDIPP (the European Network on Drugs and Infections in Prison).