
Results 5113 to 5124 of 5153
22 August 2009

Malaysia begins research into reducing HIV transmission in the prison communities

Malaysia suffers from one of the worst HIV epidemics among drug users in Southeast Asia. 70% of HIV transmission is linked to injection drug use. Malaysia’s strict policy of incarceration for drug users has resulted in over 6 percent of its prisoners being HIV-infected, three times the rate in U.S. prisons.
22 August 2009

US House of Representatives vote to remove ban on needle exchange

In a historic move, the U.S. House of Representatives voted on July 24 to remove a 21 year old ban that has restricted the use of federal funds being used to support needle exchange programs. A promising first step although the ban remains in place until the bill goes to "conference" in Septmeber.
22 August 2009

WOLA Letter Expresses Concerns on Palanquero Base

WOLA recently sent a letter to Administration officials expressing concern about the pending agreement between the US and Colombia over the U.S. military’s expanded use of military facilities in that country.
22 August 2009

ICAAP Calls for Stronger Commitment to Universal Access

The Congress drew thousands of people together for five days of discussion around the AIDS response in the Pacific and across Asia. A wide range of issues and contexts for the AIDS epidemic in these regions was discussed including mobility and migration, injecting drug use, human rights as well as gender.
22 August 2009

Mexico Decriminalises Drug Possession

The possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other drugs has been decriminalised in Mexico under a controversial new law.