IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 397 to 408 of 469
25 August 2010

IDPC Briefing Paper – Cannabis in Mexico: an open debate

The recent declaration by Mexican president Felipe Calderón on cannabis legalisation has sparked new discussions on illicit drugs in the country. However, the drugs debate is not a new topic for the Mexican political agenda. This document presents a general overview and analysis of the cannabis debate in Mexico.
13 July 2010

IDPC - Руководство по наркополитике

«Руководство по наркополитике» было подготовлено в 2009 году на основе результатов исследований и консультаций экспертов IDPC. Цель «Руководства» – предоставить нашим региональным и национальным партнерам информацию, которую они смогут использовать для анализа национальной наркополитики и соответствующих программ и эффективного взаимодействия с политическими деятелями при их разработке и/или совершенствовании. Информация «Руководства» будет регулярно обновляться, чтобы отразить данные новейших исследований и примеры новых успешных практик в области наркополитики.
27 April 2010

IDPC Briefing Paper - Resources for developing integrated national policies on controlled drugs in Latin America and the Caribbean

This document builds on two national guides to policymakers, the IDPC 'Drug Policy Guide' and the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission's 'How to develop a national drug policy: a guide for policy makers, practitioners and stakeholders', to provide detailed recommendations for Latin American government policy makers to adopt more efficient and humane drug policies.
27 April 2010

IDPC Briefing Paper - Jar wars: the question of schools-based drug testing

This briefing paper examines the use of schools-based drug testing, analysing its underlying assumptions, its ethical dimensions and the research so far conducted into its practical application. It explores whether this tactic should have in prevention and harm reduction strategies.
27 April 2010

IDPC report of proceedings: The 2010 Commission on Narcotic Drugs

The CND Proceedings Document aims to provide a summary of what happened at this year's 53rd Commission on Narcotic Drugs, including at the various satellite events, and offers a comprehensive analysis of the key discussions and debates that took place during the meeting. Read the full report.