Harm Reduction International identify key moments where drug policy will be addressed in the upcoming 54th Session of the Human Rights Council, presenting significant prospects for reform.
Harm Reduction International expose the large sums of aid being spent on drug prohibition worldwide, calling on governments and donors to divest from punitive policies and invest in health and human rights.
IDPC highlights the major gains from the 2023 OHCHR report on human rights and drug policy, and provides recommendations to Member States and UN entities for its effective implementation.
Hayashi et al. reveal that despite the enactment of a depenalisation policy in Vancouver, police continued to seize illicit drugs from people who use drugs, calling for abolition of this harmful discretionary policing practice.
OHCHR present their report to the Human Rights Council on the impact of the world drug problem on human rights, urging policymakers to shift towards a health and human-rights centred approach to drug policy.
Bonn et al. respond to critics of the safe supply model, underscoring the importance of safe supply in reducing accidental drug toxicity deaths and improving the health and well-being of people who use drugs.
IDPC notes clashes between reform and status quo advocates in the international community, in the context of tensions related to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia and increasingly central calls for systemic change.
WOLA discusses the coca market crisis in Colombia, exploring its many potential causes and urging authorities to seize the opportunity to provide aid, improved civilian governance and avenues for economic development.
The Paradigma Youth Coalition present their response to the 2023 World Drug Report, emphasising the importance of involving young people in shaping progressive drug policies with evidence-based approaches, inclusivity and harm reduction at their core.
The National Harm Reduction Coalition and Lighthouse Learning Collective interrogate the state of care for queer and trans people who use drugs and/or do sex work, recognising inadequacies and suggesting avenues to build power for communities and improve support by harm reduction organisations.
The IACHR highlights the role that drug policies play in soaring women incarceration rates in the region, calling for alternatives to incarceration and gender-specific reintegration policies.