UNODC reports historical high levels of coca cultivation and potential coca production and offers insights into this increase, including as related to conditions of poverty and limited market access opportunities in rural areas of cultivation.
In tandem with the Urban Survivors Union and the Network of Drug Researchers with Lived Experience, Drug Policy Alliance provides recommendations to empower research participant communities and ensure communities benefit from research.
The Global Commission on Drug Policy puts forward recommendations to support effective and humane drug policy reforms that enhance peace, health, security and development in Colombia.
The Robert Carr Fund documents progress in strengthening the capacity of the 60 unique civil society networks it supports, including those in the Harm Reduction Consortium led by IDPC.
HRI maps harm reduction policy adoption and programme implementation globally, with dedicated chapters on viral hepatitis and the ongoing impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
WHRIN, Frontline AIDS and the Academy of Perinatal Harm Reduction offer guidance on trainings concerning the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women who use drugs.
OHCHR calls on the Philippine government to adopt a transformative approach that centres rights-based solutions to enduring challenges, including in relation to the destructive war on drugs.
20 regional civil society networks offer guidance on how the Global Fund should adapt to the circumstances caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.