WOLA shines a light on the harms of the US' 'war on drug' efforts in Latin America and domestically, calling instead for a transition toward regulation that protects human rights and promotes health, gender and racial equality, security and environmental sustainability.
UNAIDS sound the alarm on a deceleration of the HIV response, with disproportionate impacts on poorer regions and people in situations of vulnerability.
The 65th Session of the CND was characterised by tensions resulting from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the increasingly vocal support for a human rights-approach by most UN representatives, and the resilient engagement and sharp interventions by civil society.
TNI summarises the discussions held by representatives of grower communities in the region on the need to build inclusive and sustainable business models that integrate equity, human rights, public health, patient access, fair trade and environmental resilience.
This collection of papers on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the 'UN Joint Statement on Compulsory Drug Detention and Rehabilitation Centres' offers pathways for concerted action to achieve health and human rights for all people whose lives involve drugs.
The UNHCHR stresses the importance of removing punitive legal and policy frameworks; reducing stigma and discrimination; and addressing gender inequalities and related violence to achieve global commitments in relation to HIV 2030.
The EMCDDA highlight that drug use remains high across the EU, with drug consumption patterns becoming increasingly complex and the impacts on health and social responses.
Malinowska-Sempruch and Lohman urge the public health community to challenge prohibition and join calls for alternatives that prioritise social wellbeing, health and human rights.
IDPC describes de public health impact of punitive law enforcement on women who use drugs, offering recommendations for an evidence-informed and gender-sensitive response to drug use and HIV.