Past Events

Results 1093 to 1104 of 1460
Drugs policy reform: Learning from the Portuguese model

Drugs policy reform: Learning from the Portuguese model

London, United Kingdom
30 July 2014
The roundtable will create an opportunity for focused discussion to explore how some of the best elements of Portugal’s experience might translate to the UK context, and work towards agreeing some evidence-based principles that could govern a more effective approach for the future.
World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day

27 July 2014
It is an annual event on the 28th July that provides international focus for patient groups and people living with viral hepatitis.
East India Harm Reduction Network Meeting

East India Harm Reduction Network Meeting

Kolkata, India
23 July 2014 - 24 July 2014
This meeting opens avenues for three fold deliberations including organisational capacity, network strengthen and operationalisation processes.
20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014)

20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014)

Melbourne, Australia
19 July 2014 - 24 July 2014
The conference is a major gathering for those working in the field of HIV, as well as policymakers, people living with HIV and others committed to ending the epidemic.
Drug policy and human rights summer course at Central European University

Drug policy and human rights summer course at Central European University

Budapest, Hungary
13 July 2014 - 22 July 2014
This course will focus on the identification and understanding of relevant international human rights agreements and on the evaluation of the gap between rights and practice in the implementation of drug policies around the world. Apply now to attend!