The ECDC monitors progress and identifies pending tasks in implementing effective HIV responses for people who inject drugs, including in relation to harm reduction.
Government, civil society and community representatives discussed the state of play of debates in Vienna as well as developments in the field of human rights, development, public health and novel trends.
GREA examines the drug policy debate between several UN nations, including the recognition of the failure of prohibition, and the move to legalise and regulate drugs for adult recreational use.
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) explores international data concerning hepatitis B and C viruses to identify a way forward in their elimination.
The Harm Reduction Coalition has interviewed people who use drugs to provide suggestions to the San Francisco Department of Public Health as they are about to launch a public messaging campaign.
Housing First provides evidence to help services, funders, and the Government better understand how support, including for drug-related challenges, is delivered and experienced within Housing First, highlighting implications for resourcing and delivery.
The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime examines the impact of past UN Crime Congresses and considers ways to better leverage its potential.
This INPUD Technical Brief explains how Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can be both an opportunity and a concern for the health and rights of people who use drugs.
This discussion paper presents innovative steps taken by UN Member States in implementing commitments undertaken at the 2016 UNGASS, and with respect to the 2030 Agenda.