Limited access to syringes and needles as well as a lack of knowledge regarding the risks of sharing injecting equipment are some the causes of HIV and Hep C infections in Uganda.
Given that many African states are invested in the 'war on drugs', the importance of UNGASS is extremely prevalent, particularly given the long history of punitive drug policy on this continent.
This research shows that putting people through programs that aim to help and support them as an alternative to incarceration reduce the odds of recidivism.
This research piece explores how a shift in drug policing towards harm reduction can create an environment for people who use drugs where police is an ally rather than an adversary.
The Dundee Drugs Commission presents its findings and recommendations to transform the city's approach to drug use, offering a blueprint for the city and the rest of the country.
RAND offers a systematic assessment of the past, present, and possible futures of synthetic opioids in the United States, highlighting the need to improve existing responses.
OHCHR addresses the intersections between situations of deprivation of liberty and violence, death and serious injury, noting specific impacts on people who use drugs.
This multi-country research suggests sexual minority youth are at higher risk of substance use behaviours than their peers, which underscores the need for tailored approaches.
The ENPUD digest provides information about the activities of its members and updates on developments in activism and the policy landscape in the EECA region.