RAND provides insights on the U.S. markets for cocaine, heroin, cannabis and methamphetamine. Covering the years 2006–2016, it offers statistics on prevalence, use and expenditure.
The UK government offers a comprehensive overview of drug use trends amongst people who inject drugs, as well as information on the prevalence of HIV and viral hepatitis.
Gurises Unidos and CWS surveyed public officials, experts and children of incarcerated parents to offer recommendations on how to ensure their rights are guaranteed.
Crew provides an overview of drug trends in Scotland, emphasising the worrisome rising number of drug-related deaths, mostly due to very limited harm reduction provision.
This paper suggests Brazilian courts prioritise incarceration despite available legal alternatives, disproportionately affecting people in situations of vulnerability.
This research shows that differences in public and institutional responses as well as the limited local power in the UK condition divergent approaches to DCRs.
This paper shows that arrests for drug use and drug possession for personal consumption actually amount to a very small margin of drug seizures although they represent more than one-third of recorded arrests.