Moving forward, major challenges include ensuring that new infections are prevented from occurring and that people who are living with HCV are tested, linked to care, treated, receive appropriate follow-up, and have equitable access to care.
This paper shows how the decrease in income and increase in incarcerations have been directly linked to the rise in drug-related deaths over time in the USA.
Christian Aid documents the links between development, peace building and drug policies, and how the current 'war on drugs' undermines development efforts.
The paper highlights the need to ensure services cater for the diverse situations of vulnerability experienced by people who seek assistance for chemsex-related drug use.
ICPR inventories the reasons why imprisonment compounds ill health, calling for reduced incarceration, particularly of people in situations of vulnerability, and better health provision
The UK Parliament's Health and Social Care Committee notes gaps in the research on and provision of medical cannabis, and calls for authorities to swiftly mitigate them.