WHO highlights the current landscape of country hepatitis policies for harm reduction and HCV testing and treatment in people who inject drugs and people in prisons.
AFEW explores the new challenges and solutions available to harm reduction organisations in the face of the new restrictive laws for civil society in Eastern Europe.
This series provides a quick overview of the past, present and future of cannabis legislation at the national and sub-national level in Western Europe.
ARASA gives an overview of drug policies in the Sub-Saharan region, and shares perspectives and experiences from people who use drugs in several African countries.
The aim of this inventory is twofold: to give an update of the current number of drug consumption rooms in the Netherlands, and to provide insight into the DCRs’ main features such as opening hours, objectives and services on offer.
Сегодня во всем мире свободы лишены более 10 миллионов человек. Один из пяти заключенных содержится под стражей из-за правонарушений, связанных с наркотиками. 83 процента из них отбывают наказания за наличие у них наркотиков для личного пользования.