
Réunion de 2011 du Réseau de recherche sur la drogue et l’alcool dans le Pacifique

22 juin 2011

The Pacific Drug and Alcohol Research Network (PDARN) first met in 2005 in response to a lack of data describing drug and alcohol issues in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. The group has met regularly since that time, bringing together Ministry of Health, non-government, multi-lateral and law enforcement representatives with university researchers and public health workers to gather and report current data, undertake capacity building activities, and create opportunities to collaborate on research projects and programme implementation activities.

The next meeting will take place in the Fiji Islands from 9 to 11 August 2011. For more information, please visit the PDARN website.

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Shangri-La Fijian Resort & Spa, Ile de Yanuca , Iles Fiji
Commencez8 août 2011
Fin10 août 2011
