Conférence européenne: inclusion sociale, insertion professionnelle et entreprenariat social : faites que cela fonctionne !


Conférence européenne: inclusion sociale, insertion professionnelle et entreprenariat social : faites que cela fonctionne !

13 juin 2014

La conférence vise à stimuler l’insertion professionnelle et l’entreprenariat social au sein des groupes vulnérables et marginalisés. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Marginalised and vulnerable groups, such as drug users, homeless people, people with psychiatric problems or (ex) offenders have a large distance to the labour market in most European countries. Their educational level is often low, they have little opportunities to participate in schooling and employment and there are only few initiatives that increase or improve the participation of these groups in the paid or unpaid labour market. The current economical crisis and the increasing unemployment affects all parts of society, but has surely a devastating impact on these groups.

In light of this situation the Rainbow Group, the Omslag Foundation and the partners of the INWORK Project will organise the European Conference 'Social Inclusion, Work Integration and Social Entrepreneurship – Make It Work!' from 10-12 November 2014 in Amsterdam.

The Conference aims at stimulating work integration and social entrepreneurship by bringing together key actors, such as NGO's, (potential) social firm owners, local, national and European policy makers, target group representatives as well as relevant networks and platforms in the field.

Participants will be able to share their knowledge and expertise during plenary sessions, workshops and in policy debates. Furthermore, good practice examples will be presented in the framework of a separate site visit programme. In addition, the conference will highlight the results and outcomes of the European INWORK Project and launch the online toolkit for work integration.

Please click here to visit the conference website.

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