
Déclaration commune des organisations de la société civile pour la 30éme réunion du Conseil du Fonds Mondial

13 novembre 2013

Les révisions apportées par le Conseil d'Administration du Fonds Mondial aux critères d'admissibilité pour recevoir des financements ne devraient pas avoir de conséquences négatives pour les pays à revenu intermédiaire.

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous (en anglais).

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On the 7th – 8th November 2013, the Global Fund’s Board will consider revisions to the Eligibility, Counterpart Financing and Prioritization Policy (ECFP), based upon recommendations from its Strategy Impact and Investment Committee (SIIC). While some of these recommendations are positive; others, if adopted without changes, would have negative consequences for middle-income countries (MICs) and particularly regions with MICs such as Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

We – the organizations representing civil society and including communities of people living with these diseases, i.e. key affected populations from different countries and regions - are deeply concerned about these recommendations and would like to share with Global Fund Board members our position on several critical issues that should be considered by the Board during its deliberations.

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