Porto Rico considère une réforme des lois sur le cannabis
Les législateurs portoricains sont prêts à débattre sur deux projets de lois en matière de cannabis, le premier dépénaliserait la possession de faibles quantités de cannabis et le deuxième autoriserait son usage pour des raisons médicales.
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Lawmakers in Puerto Rico are set to take up debate this year over two separate bills on cannabis policy, one which would decriminalize possession of small amounts of the drug and another which would authorize its use for medicinal purposes. The former actually passed the Senate last year, but has so far failed to make it through the House. Local paper El Nuevo Dia reported last week on the status of the debate, which received a boost from a visit by drug policy reform advocates from the Drug Policy Alliance and Open Society Foundations to a conference hosted by local harm reduction group Intercambios Puerto Rico. In a separate piece published on Sunday, the paper profiled remarks by Intercambios members and drug reformers in the U.S. which highlight the potential economic benefits of relaxing marijuana laws.
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