Journalisme d'investigation au Sahel: un rôle crucial dans la lutte contre la corruption et le crime organisé
Etant donné les effets dévastateurs de la corruption et du crime organisé sur le développement humain et la sécurité au Sahel, l'ONUDC a organisé un atelier de quatre jours pour les journalises de la région. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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The destabilizing effect of drug and weapon trafficking flows in West Africa and its impact on development and security are extremely serious. These transnational crimes hinder economic growth, reduce investment and efforts for peace, notably in the Sahel region. Underlying these problems, corruption is often seen as a facilitating factor which has evolved into a very sophisticated phenomenon. In this context, journalists can play a critical role in preventing and reducing corruption and, in particular, showing how it affects the daily lives of ordinary citizens.
Given the devastating effects of corruption and organized crime on human development and security in the Sahel, UNODC organized a four-day workshop for journalists from the region, in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Panos Institute West Africa (PIWA), the African Network of Centers for Investigative Reporting (ANCIR) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).
The workshop, held from 24 to 27 November 2014 in Saly, Senegal, allowed for well-known investigative journalists and less experienced journalists from 14 countries in West Africa to share knowledge and expertise in investigative techniques to expose corruption and organized crime. "By putting our knowledge together and communicating regularly among each other, we will be better informed and more efficient in our day-to-day work" said Mr. Samuel De Jaegere, UNODC's Anti-Corruption Advisor for West and Central Africa. Several journalists from Latin-America and Europe, all from countries on the "cocaine route" also took part in the meeting and shared their experiences.
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Profils associés
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)