Le VIH et la réduction des risques: la police et les populations clés


Le VIH et la réduction des risques: la police et les populations clés

4 décembre 2014

Ces entretiens menés par LEAHN illustrent le rôle positif de la police vis-à-vis de la réponse mondiale au VIH. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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In October 2014, a consultation on police and HIV took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The following interviews are with some of the country focal points of the Law Enforcement and HIV Network (LEAHN), each of whom is a serving or a retired senior police officer, and each of whom is committed to ensuring that the police make a positive contribution in their countries and the global HIV response.

The Consultation on Police and HIV was co-convened by LEAHN – Law Enforcement and HIV Network, IDLO – International Development Law Organization and Birkbeck, University of London.

The meeting produced the 'Amsterdam Declaration on Police Partnerships for Harm Reduction' which can be downloaded from LEAHN‘s website leahn.org .

Video produced by georgetownmedia.de for CLEPH – Centre For Law Enforcement & Public Health

Click here to read the full article.

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Profils associés

  • Law Enforcement and HIV Network (LEAHN)