La Serbie est en train de perdre ses services de réduction des risques
Suite à la fin des financements du Fonds Mondial, trois organisations ont continué de mettre en œuvre des programmes de proximité et d’échange de seringues, mais le gouvernement serbe refuse de prendre en charge le financement de ces programmes. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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Dejana Rankovic, Serbian Coalition of Harm Reduction Organisations
During eight years of the Global Fund presence in Serbia, harm reduction programs for IDUs (injection drug users) covered needle exchange, field work and substitution therapy. NGOs in drop-in centers in the three biggest cities – “Veza” in Belgrade, “Prevent” in Novi Sad and “Putokaz” in Nis – implemented the first two, while the latter (in 26 centers) was implemented by the Ministry of Health, which also executed a program for HIV prevention in 12 prisons. It has been planned that in the period covered by the Global Fund donation, 2006-2014,
The National Institute for Public Health estimated in 2011 that there are about 30 000 IDUs aged 15-59 (0,7% of the population of this age) in Serbia whereas, according to the same source, the number of patients diagnosed F11-F19 is 10 000. This means that at least two thirds of IDUs are beyond the reach (but certainly more since these diagnoses cover all ways of use of psychoactive substances). As for services and therapy, during the GF funding (data from 2011) methadone centers had about 1500 patients per year, plus 128 prisoners who used OST, and the three HR organization provided needle exchange programs for appx 3000 IDUs in drop-in centers and in the field. HIV infection prevalence among IDUs in Belgrade is 1,5%, in Nis 1,0%, but HCV prevalence is significantly high: 61,4% in Belgrade, 50,2% in Novi Sad and 54,7% in Nis (data form 2013).
After the cessation of funding, three organizations continued implementing outreach and needle exchange programs, and with some remnants of funds from small donations they were able to cover the rent of premises for a couple of months.
Profils associés
- Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN)