Aide britannique au Pakistan mise en question car elle soutiendrait l'application de la peine de mort


Aide britannique au Pakistan mise en question car elle soutiendrait l'application de la peine de mort

31 juillet 2015

Des militants poursuivent le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères britannique sur la base de préoccupations relatives au fait que l'aide financière britannique pourrait être utilisée pour appliquer la peine de mort au Pakistan. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The Foreign Office is engaged in a court battle to defend the secrets of the foreign aid budget, amid claims that British money could be supporting the use of the death penalty in Pakistan.

Foreign Office lawyers are fighting off a legal challenge to force them to reveal the warnings issued by civil servants to ministers over support for the Pakistani counter-narcotics police.

Reprieve, the anti-death penalty charity, is seeking the release of a human rights “checklist” completed by diplomats before aid can be disbursed.

Britain gave £338 million to Pakistan last year, making it the biggest single recipient of UK aid. It has included millions of pounds for anti-drugs operations, in a country where drug trafficking carries a capital sentence.

Some 8,000 people on death row, including 23 Britons and more 100 drug offenders, now face hanging after Pakistan lifted a moratorium on the death penalty last December.

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