L’Union Européenne ne devrait pas combattre les drogues mais réduire les risques

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L’Union Européenne ne devrait pas combattre les drogues mais réduire les risques

10 août 2020
Peter Sarosi

La nouvelle stratégie de l’UE en matière de drogues intègre des réponses sanitaires et sociales à une approche essentiellement axée sur la loi et les considérations sécuritaires. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

The new Security Union strategy would “fight” against drugs together with child abuse and arms trafficking. This is a bad approach.

The European Commission has published its new EU drug strategy (now called the Drugs Agenda), which is part of a wider Security Union strategy entitled “Delivering on a Security Union: initiatives to fight child sexual abuse, drugs and illegal firearms.” While I celebrated the previous Action Plan as the most progressive ever, I think this document has come as a disappointment for civil society organisations that have been advocating for a sensible, balanced approach in drug policies.

Here are 4 reasons why (this article is not a comprehensive review and it does not reflect the official position of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs or other organisations but only my personal views).