La récriminalisation - Episode 45 - Crackdown Podcast

Michal Urbanek - Shutterstock


La récriminalisation - Episode 45 - Crackdown Podcast

15 mai 2024
Crackdown Podcast
Sam Fenn
Alex de Boer
Garth Mullins

L'opportunisme politique et la panique morale ont conduit à un recul qui coûtera des vies, en particulier pour les personnes qui vivent dans la rue. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

Politicians and much of the media have been lying and whipping up a moral panic. And now, decriminalization in British Columbia is all but dead. In this episode, Garth talks with Crackdown senior producer Sam Fenn and VANDU organizer Hannah Dempsey to bring you the straight goods on why drugs have been re-criminalized and what the grim implications of this move are.

Listen to the episode here.
