
Profiles de politiques des drogues – l’Irlande

21 mars 2013

Tout en examinant l’évolution des politiques des drogues en Irlande, ce rapport explore les stratégies nationales du pays, le contexte juridique dans le cadre duquel elles opèrent, les fonds publics dépensés pour les mettre en œuvre et les organes politiques et mécanismes mis en place pour coordonner les réponses au problème. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The national drug policy of Ireland comes under the spotlight in the second volume in the EMCDDA series of Drug policy profiles. Examining the evolution of Irish drug policy through four periods of historic development, the report explores: the country’s national strategies; the legal context within which they operate; the public funds spent, or committed, to implement them; and the political bodies and mechanisms set up to coordinate the response to the problem.

The profile sets this information in context by outlining the size, wealth and economic situation of the country as a whole, as well as the historical development of the current policy. Also described is the manner in which events in Ireland bear similarities with, and differences from, developments in other European countries.

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