Rapport mondial sur les drogues de 2020 : Perspectives concernant les marchés, la technologie et les politiques


Rapport mondial sur les drogues de 2020 : Perspectives concernant les marchés, la technologie et les politiques

9 mars 2021
Global Drug Policy Observatory (GDPO)

L’IDPC et le GDPO soulignent la richesse des données contenues dans le Rapport mondial sur les drogues, tout en critiquant ses conclusions trop positives sur l'impact des actions de contrôle des drogues et des approches répressives. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

IDPC response to the 2020 World Drug Report

UNODC’s 2020 World Drug Report provides a comprehensive and sophisticated analysis of the current state of global drug markets, as their size, complexity and intricacy continue to grow. However, the Report can be criticised for turning a blind eye on the negative consequences of states’ drug control efforts, and for overestimating the success of law enforcement approaches.

To explore these shortcomings, this year’s critique analyses the World Drug Report’s approach to the key topic of technological innovation in drug policy, through a close reading of its sections on cryptomarkets, and on the eradication of crops destined for the illegal drug market in Colombia.

In global drug policy debates, technological innovation is often framed as an instrument for disruption and as a cause of concern, if not alarm. That is certainly the approach adopted by the 2020 World Drug Report, which predominantly describes technological developments as a ‘challenge’ from the perspective of law enforcement. While there is some truth in this perspective, the reality is far more complicated with the use of technology by both state and non-state actors generating both positive and negative outcomes.

This year’s response to the UNODC World Drug Report was written by Dave Bewley-Taylor and Patrick Shortis, with contributions from Adria Cots Fernandez.

Previous reports in this series: