Comment réguler le cannabis ? - 3e édition
Transform discute de la manière de construire un cadre réglementaire qui fonctionne pour promouvoir la justice sociale et protéger la santé publique. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
This is the third edition of our guide to regulating legal markets for the non-medical use of cannabis. It is for policy makers, reform advocates and affected communities all over the world who are seeing the legal regulation of cannabis move move from the margins devisively into the political mainstream. The question is no longer just ‘Should we maintain cannabis prohibition?’ or ‘How will legal regulation work in practice?’, but also ‘What can we learn from legalisation efforts so far?’
Since this book was first published in 2013, the cannabis policy landscape has changed dramatically, with multiple jurisdictions having developed or implemented regulated market models for the non-medical use of cannabis. Over the last decade, Transform has been approached by jurisdictions to provide its expertise as consultants to support the establishment of their new policy frameworks.
This updated and expanded new edition draws on Transform’s experience in the field, and emerging evidence from these new legal cannabis markets. It includes detailed new sections on social equity programmes, expungement of past criminal records, and mitigating the risks of corporate capture. This book will help guide those interested in cannabis policy through the key practical challenges to developing and implementing an effective regulation approach aimed at achieving a world where drug policy promotes health, protects the vulnerable and puts safety first.