Rapport d’activités de l’IDPC pour 2021-2022
L'IDPC met en évidence certaines des activités et des impacts clés réalisés par le travail de l'IDPC pour la période allant d'avril 2021 à mars 2022, en se concentrant sur les cinq thèmes de notre plan stratégique pour 2021-2023. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
Excerpt from the Foreword:
This progress report is published at the mid-term point of our current three-year strategic plan and highlights the impact we have made so far against our strategic priorities. In a politically turbulent global climate and amid the ongoing challenges of pandemic recovery, the IDPC network has remained steadfastly focused on drug policy reform efforts and on building solidarity both within and beyond the movement. Opening and holding space for civil society participation in drug policy making, and building our collective capacity, knowledge and imagination to leverage it, is at the heart of what our network is about.
This year we are particularly proud of launching the Global Drug Policy Index. It is the first ever composite index that scores and ranks countries on their drug policies based on alignment with health, human rights and development principles. For too long the success of drug policies has not been measured against these principles, but instead has tended to prioritise indicators such as the numbers of people arrested or imprisoned for drug offences, the amount of drugs seized, or the number of hectares of drug crops destroyed. These skewed indicators underpin and justify ongoing repressive drug policy approaches and makes it harder to hold governments accountable for the damage their policies inflict on the lives of so many people. Civil society plays a crucial role in holding governments accountable and we hope that this first iteration of the Index will further empower us all in that important exercise.
And as we reflect on a positive and exciting year for drug policy reform, I am truly honoured to share this year’s foreword with the incoming Chair of our Board of Directors, Vicki Hanson and Ganna Dovbakh, who represents the Eastern European region on our Members Advisory Council.
Vicki has long championed IDPC in the Caribbean and always ensures that the voices of traditional farmers are heard in drug policy debates. While Ganna has been at the forefront of supporting civil society and community harm reduction efforts in Eurasia, which in recent months has faced unprecedented challenges following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Both Vicki’s and Ganna’s leadership, tenacity and longstanding involvement with IDPC enriches our collective work immeasurably and embodies the many strong partnerships which have been forged over the years. There is still much work to do towards achieving our vision of drug policies that truly advance social justice and human rights – and this report shows that together we are having real impact.
I hope you will enjoy reading this latest progress report from IDPC!
In solidarity,
Ann Fordham
Executive Director
Read previous IDPC progress reports:
- IDPC progress report 2020-2021
- IDPC progress report 2019-2020
- IDPC progress report 2018-2019
- IDPC progress report 2017-2018
- IDPC progress report 2016-2017
- IDPC progress report 2015-2016
- IDPC progress report 2014-2015
- IDPC progress report 2013-2014
- IDPC progress report 2012-2013
- IDPC progress report 2011-2012
- IDPC progress report 2010-2011