Prévenir et répondre à une crise des droits humains liée au VIH : Orientation pour les agences et programmes des Nations Unies


Prévenir et répondre à une crise des droits humains liée au VIH : Orientation pour les agences et programmes des Nations Unies

13 mai 2024
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

L'ONUSIDA et le PNUD se focalisent sur la préparation aux crises, proposent des principes et des actions clés, ainsi que des idées pour la coordination et la prévention des crises futures. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

The updated Guidance "Preventing and Responding to an HIV-Related Human Rights Crisis", jointly released by UNDP and the UNAIDS Secretariat, addresses the escalating challenges posed by HIV-related human rights crises worldwide. Drawing from established resources, it provides recommendations for United Nations Country Teams and partners, facilitating efficient coordination within the Resident Coordinator system. The Guidance aims to promote understanding, assist in preparing for crises, provide direction on principles and actions, strengthen coordinated responses, and advocate for long-lasting initiatives to prevent future crises. The Guidance's applicability extends not only to UN personnel but also to other international bodies, donors, development partners, diplomatic missions, communities, and civil society organizations. This Guidance should be used in conjunction with existing United Nations documents on HIV and human rights, alongside the human rights guidance for Resident Coordinators and United Nations Country Teams.