La pena de muerte: mitos y realidades


La pena de muerte: mitos y realidades

18 noviembre 2015

Esta publicación de Penal Reform International presenta, con un formato ameno e interactivo, algunos de los principales mitos que imperan sobre la pena de muerte. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Myths and Realities provides ‘quick answers to common questions’ about the death penalty.

The ‘myths’ covered, for example, include: ‘The death penalty keeps societies safer’, ‘the death penalty is applied fairly’, ‘there is nothing in international law to stop countries using the death penalty’, and ‘victims and relatives are in favour’.

The booklet by Penal Reform International is interactive in format – allowing readers to read the myth and turn over a flap to discover the reality. It will hopefully be auseful guide for activists and advocates of abolition, giving them the arguments they need to tackle common pre- and misconceptions.

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