Reunión nacional multisectorial sobre la reforma de las políticas de drogas en África Occidental: la consulta de Ghana


Reunión nacional multisectorial sobre la reforma de las políticas de drogas en África Occidental: la consulta de Ghana

12 noviembre 2015

Un grupo de representantes gubernamentales reunidos en Ghana para debatir sobre reformas normativas emitió esta declaración que insta a replantear las convenciones internacionales y las políticas nacionales sobre drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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35 government representatives and civil society practitioners attended the consultation convened by the West African Drug Policy Network and other stakeholders and facilitated by West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) with support from the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA). The aim of the meeting was to:

1. Assess current drug policies and the impact of international conventions on national drug policies;
2. Interrogate the measures put in place at national levels to deal with drug trafficking, production and consumption;
3. Identify best practices in tackling drugs, security and organized crime at country level; and
4. Foster collaboration between governments and civil society in the fight against drug trafficking in the region.

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