Tratamiento con metadona en los Países Bajos


Tratamiento con metadona en los Países Bajos

31 octubre 2016

La organización Mainline examina la terapia de sustitución de opioides en los Países Bajos y llega a la conclusión de que, pese a la amplia disponibilidad, su plena aplicación requiere una mayor claridad jurídica.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.


Six out of ten People with an Opioid Dependence (POD) in the Netherlands are socially marginalized and have problems related to criminality, antisocial behaviour, mental health and living situation. Continuing treatment and guidance are considered a necessity to improve the quality of life and reduce societal costs. A harm reduction strategy, Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST), is used to provide treatment and guidance. In this treatment, heroin is substituted by legal opioids such as methadone and buprenorphine. To create consistency in OST throughout the Netherlands, the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, commissioned in 2006 the development of the Guideline for Opioid Maintenance Treatment (Richtlijn Opiaatonderhoudsbehandeling, RIOB). RIOB describes the diagnostics, adequate medication policy, several interventions and the patient’s perspective for opioid maintenance treatment.

This report aims to answer:

1) To what extent is RIOB implemented in daily practice in institutions for methadone and buprenorphine provision in the Netherlands and what factors influenced this?

2) To what extent are the principles of shared decision making in establishing a treatment plan implemented in daily practice in institutions for methadone and buprenorphine provision in the Netherlands?

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