Aux Nations Unies, Russell Brand déclare que la prohibition des drogues mène à « des morts, de la souffrance et au crime »
Le comédien anglais s’est exprimé lors d’une conférence de presse à Vienne pendant la 57ème session de la Commission des Stupéfiants au nom de la campagne « Soutenez. Ne punissez pas » pour condamner la pénalisation de l’usage de drogues.
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"There is no reason to pursue this experiment of prohibition which has lasted a century," Russell Brand told the audience. "My personal experience is, I was using drugs because I was in a great deal of spiritual, emotional and physical pain and what I needed was a solution to those problems and what was provided to me to reach that solution was a context of compassion and tolerance.
"What bigger context is there than the planet as a whole? If we can create a planetary context where drug addicts are treated as people with a health issue - not a judicial, criminal issue - that would create the perfect context for us to advance."
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