Russell Brand pronuncia un alegato ante la ONU: la prohibición de las drogas genera ‘muertes, sufrimiento y delincuencia’
En el marco del 57º período de sesiones de la Comisión de Estupefacientes que tuvo lugar en Viena, el cómico británico habló en una conferencia de prensa en nombre de la campaña ‘Apoye, no castigue’ para denunciar la criminalización del uso de drogas.
Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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"There is no reason to pursue this experiment of prohibition which has lasted a century," Russell Brand told the audience. "My personal experience is, I was using drugs because I was in a great deal of spiritual, emotional and physical pain and what I needed was a solution to those problems and what was provided to me to reach that solution was a context of compassion and tolerance.
"What bigger context is there than the planet as a whole? If we can create a planetary context where drug addicts are treated as people with a health issue - not a judicial, criminal issue - that would create the perfect context for us to advance."
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