
Rapport du séminaire d’experts IDPC/SICAD – quel avenir pour la réforme des politiques des drogues en Europe ?

10 octobre 2013

Le séminaire a porté sur les aspects liés à la santé publique et le maintien de l’ordre au sein de la Stratégie sur la Drogue de l'UE, la question des nouvelles substances psychoactives, et le rôle de l'Europe dans la préparation de l'UNGASS de 2016.

Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The expert seminar on “Where next for Europe on drug policy reform?” took place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 20th to 21st June 2013. As per tradition, the meeting was held under Chatham House rule to ensure confidentiality and allow participants a free exchange of ideas. Over 40 participants attended the meeting, including European and national policy makers, practitioners, academics and representatives from non-governmental and governmental organisations. Four themes were discussed:

  • the EU Drugs Strategy and Action Plan and its public health implications
  • the EU Drugs Strategy and Action Plan and its law enforcement implications
  • regional challenges and the issue of new psychoactive substances
  • the role of Europe in global drug policy and the European voice in preparation for the 2016 UNGASS.

Each session started with introductory remarks from key experts, followed by discussions. This report highlights the main issues covered during the seminar. The ideas expressed in the report are those of the participants in their capacity as experts in the drug policy field, and should not be interpreted as reflecting consensus among the group, or endorsement by the organisers.

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