Propuesta de reducción de penas para los autores de delitos de drogas no violentos en los Estados Unidos
El Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos ha instado a la Comisión de Armonización de Penas del país a aprobar una medida que permitiría a miles de autores de delitos de drogas no violentos que ahora están cumpliendo condena en prisiones federales solicitar una reducción de la penas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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The Justice Department is urging the U.S. Sentencing Commission to approve a measure that would make potentially thousands of non-violent drug offenders now serving time in federal prison eligible for reduced sentences.
Attorney General Eric Holder, who supported the commission's April action to cut prison time for certain future drug offenses, is supporting a proposal set for a vote next month that would apply the changes retroactively for current inmates.
The commission has estimated that full retro-activity could apply to more than 50,000 of the more than 215,000 inmates in the overcrowded federal prison system. But the Justice Department is advocating for more limited eligibility, about 20,000.
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