Proyecto de ley para legalizar el cannabis medicinal en Australia
Shane Rattenbury, miembro de la Asamblea Legislativa australiana por los Verdes, ha presentado un proyecto de ley, así como un documento de debate, para iniciar una fase de consultas en torno a la posible legalización del cannabis medicinal. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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Greens MLA Shane Rattenbury has released exposure draft legislation for consultation, and a discussion paper, to legalise medical cannabis. Mr Rattenbury says the legislation will allow people who are sick or dying to access treatment without risking criminal sanction.
“I have heard from people who are suffering from chronic pain, who are dying, or who are watching a friend or family member suffer without relief. This legislation is for them – it’s about showing them compassion, and removing the threat of criminal sanction.
“Almost seventy percent of Australians support legalising cannabis for medical purposes. As the community’s understanding of the medical evidence grows, so too has their support for legalising medical cannabis so that the sick and dying can have access to pain and symptom relief.
“Currently in the ACT, and in Australia, it is illegal to use cannabis for pain relief, and those who use it to cope with their symptoms risk criminal prosecution.
“I, and the Greens, don’t believe that we should punish the sick for trying to access treatment that makes their pain more bearable or the remainder of their lives more tolerable.
Click here to read the full article.
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