La prometida bonanza del cannabis en Tailandia genera decepción y los políticos se echan la culpa mutuamente

ThaimaaOpas - Unsplash


La prometida bonanza del cannabis en Tailandia genera decepción y los políticos se echan la culpa mutuamente

20 abril 2023
The Star

En ausencia de un marco jurídico claro que regule la oferta, Tailandia ha presenciado una avalancha de marihuana introducida de contrabando desde el extranjero, lo que ha hecho que bajen los precios al por mayor y se perjudiquen los productores que la cultivan. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Thailand's decriminalisation of cannabis has delighted its fans, alarmed some health experts and has increasingly disappointed farmers who have been undercut by illegal imports, sending a promise of a new bonanza crop up in smoke.

Marijuana has also become an election football with the opposition criticising the ruling pro-military coalition in the run-up to May 14 polls for rushing through decriminalisation last year to what they say is the detriment of society, youngsters in particular.

Thousands of cannabis shops and businesses have sprung up, especially in Bangkok and tourist spots, since Thailand became the first Southeast Asian country to decriminalise the drug.

But the legal framework has never been clearly set out and long-promised legislation failed in February to get through parliament, leaving the country without an umbrella law to regulate its use.