
Estudio sobre un nuevo fármaco para aliviar los síntomas de abstinencia del cannabis

16 agosto 2012

El centro australiano NCPIC está efectuando un estudio para poner a prueba un nuevo fármaco, Sativex, que podría ayudar a las personas a gestionar mejor los síntomas de abstinencia que pueden surgir al abandonar el hábito de fumar cannabis.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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NCPIC is conducting a study to test a new medication, Sativex, that may help people manage their withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop smoking cannabis. This study is suitable for those who are over 18 years of age, are daily cannabis users with a desire to quit, have tried and failed to quit cannabis in the past, and are able to undertake an eight-night stay in hospital in Newcastle or Sydney. For more information and to arrange a brief phone interview contact Dr David Allsop in Sydney on (02) 9385 0448 or Rohan Holland in Newcastle on 0408 161 016 during office hours, or email: