Implementación de Resolución 45/33 del CDH sobre la protección de los derechos humanos en las Filipinas
ACNUDH exhorta al gobierno de Filipinas a emprender un abordaje transformador que se enfoque en soluciones basadas en los derechos ante los persistentes retos, incluyendo aquellos referidos a la destructiva guerra contra las drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
The present report examines the implementation of Human Rights Council resolution 45/33 and the progress and results of technical cooperation and capacity-building for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Philippines, including through a United Nations Joint Programme on human rights (UNJP) being implemented with the Government of the Philippines and national partners. The High Commissioner also provides recommendations aiming to promote a transformative approach to human rights-based reforms, strengthen an institutional culture of respect for human rights, ensure justice and redress for victims, and contribute towards the prevention of violations recurring.